Geology and environment


In accordance with the current version of the Geological Act (Act No. 569/2007 Coll.) and its implementing decree (Decree of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic No. 51/2008 Coll.) a part of the geological survey of the environment in the detection of serious pollution is also the assessment of the risk of the impact of pollution caused by human activity on human health and the environment – in short the risk analysis.

The final report of the geological survey of the environment, containing the risk analysis, is approved by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic regardless of the source of funding (Section 18 of Act No. 569/2007 Coll.). These legislative adjustments have created a juristical range for introducing risk analysis as a tool for assessing the severity of pollution of the natural environment and proposing further action. The content and form of risk analysis is regulated by the Directive of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic no. 1/2015-7 for elaboration of risk analysis of contaminated area.

Risk analysis generally consists of 2 parts

  • environmental risk assessment
  • health risk assessment

ENVIGEO carries out risk analysis within a wider complex of work – especially geological exploration of polluted areas / environmental burdens, but also individually based on client’s requirements. To perform these works, the company has employees with the appropriate professional competence under the Geological Act (Act No. 569/2007 Coll.), who have completed and mastered a specialized course of polluted area risk analysis.

The result of the risk analysis is a decision as to whether the identified risk level is acceptable for the current or planned land use. If the risk analysis results in a decision that the identified level of risk is not acceptable and that remediation is required, the risk analysis still contains

  • determination of remediation target values
  • remediation proposal

For larger scale remediation, a Feasibility Study is being developed prior to the remediation project, either as part of a risk analysis or separately. This includes evaluation of various remediation methods in terms of their suitability, technical feasibility and economic demands. The methods are evaluated in relation to the different remediation scenarios and the set remediation targets. The result of the study is a proposal for an optimal method of remediation.


  • Risk Analysis (of polluted areas / environmental burdens) including
    • Environmental Risk Assessment
    • Human Health Risk Assessment
    • Determination of Remediation Target Values
    • Remediation and Monitoring Proposal
  • Feasibility Study
Jaroslav SCHWARZ, M.A.

director of ENVIGEO Division

tel.: +421 (48) 471 24 39
mobile: +421 902 959 313

Radovan MASIAR, M.A.

head of contaminated sites department

tel.: +421 (48) 471 24 40
mobile: +421 902 959 301

Switch The Language

    Spoločnosť ENVIGEO svoju činnosť zamerala predovšetkým na geologické práce a práce v oblasti životného prostredia. Dcérske spoločnosti ENVISTAV, s.r.o., ENVITAZ, s.r.o. a ENVIGIS, s.r.o. ako dôsledok rozširovania aktivít firmy do oblastí environmentálnych stavieb, ťažby a spracovania nerastných surovín a geografických informačných systémov (GIS). Rozšírenie činnosti o vrtné práce viedlo v roku 2001 k vzniku oddelenia technických prác ENVITEC.


    Kynceľovská cesta 2/8, 974 11 Banská Bystrica


    +421 48 471 24 37